Celebrating 75 years
of Plast Ukrainian Youth Association

JANUARY 20TH, 2024



Malanka 2024!

Get ready to ring in the New Year like never before! Join us for a spectacular event that marks not only the beginning of a new year but also the momentous 75th anniversary of the renowned Ukrainian organization, Plast Winnipeg. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of a dual celebration that promises a delicious meal, unforgettable memories, incredible entertainment, and a true sense of community.

Приготуйтеся зустріти Новий Рік, як ніколи раніше! Приєднуйтесь до нас на захоплюючому події, яка відзначає не лише початок нового року, а й величезний 75-річний ювілей видатної української організації "Пласт Вінніпег". Це неповторна можливість стати частиною подвійного святкування, яке обіцяє смачну їжу, незабутні спогади, неймовірний розважальний програму, а також справжнє почуття спільноти.

Тут і Там

For over a decade, Тут і Там (pronounced Toot – ee – Tahm) has been captivating audiences worldwide with their unique and progressive style of Ukrainian folk music. The band has been the featured performer at Ukrainian festivals across Canada, including Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival (Dauphin, Manitoba), Toronto and Montreal Ukrainian Festivals, Vegreville’s Pysanka Festival, and their hometown Saskatoon’s Folkfest and Vesna Festival. In 2013, Тут і Там accepted the invitation to perform at the XIV National Ukrainian Festival in Sydney, Australia.

Тут і Там is John Dickinson (guitar, vocals), Matt Gruza (accordion), Carissa Klopoushak (violin, sopilka, vocals), Mark Klopoushak (drums, vocals), Steve Kodak (bass, vocals), and Clint Moroziuk (guitar, vocals). The name literally translates as “Here and There” – the name of a popular “Dick and Jane”-style primary reader in Ukrainian school.

Katherine Mayba

Praised as a “sophisticated artist” with a “gorgeous voice” and“stratospheric vocals” (Winnipeg Free Press), soprano Katherine Mayba isan exciting and dynamic artist. A native of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Katherinehas been hailed as a “multi-talented, charismatic [and] riveting” performer(Opera Canada). Notable operatic performances include the role of Le Feu(L’Enfant et les Sortilèges), Lena (Svadba), Queen of the Night (The MagicFlute), Titania (The Fairy Queen), Amore (L’incoronazione di Poppea) and Ilia(Idomeneo), as well as Manitoba Opera productions of Così fan tutte,Susannah, Don Giovanni, Madama Butterfly and Falstaff. Katherine hasperformed and toured with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, theUkrainian Art Song Project, Orford Musique, Opera NUOVA, Halifax Opera,Manitoba Opera, Manitoba Underground Opera, Flipside Opera, VirtuosiConcert Series and the Orville J. Derraugh Scholarship Competition. Arecipient of numerous awards, including the Rose Bowl, Katherine is alsoactively engaged in community outreach through Manitoba Opera’s SchoolWorkshops. A multidisciplinary musician, Katherine holds her ARCTPerformance Diploma in Voice, Piano and Violin from The RoyalConservatory of Music and is obtaining her Master of Music at theUniversity of Manitoba. Katherine is particularly invested in promotingUkrainian art songs in recital and recordings, and looks forward to futureprojects.

Lida Szkwarek

Ukrainian Canadian Soprano Lida Szkwarek has established herself as a prominent artist on the Canadian opera scene. Most recently she performed in Manitoba Opera’s production of Menotti’s The Telephone in the role of Lucy as part of their 2021-22 season. Other recent performances include soloist in Manitoba Opera’s Soprano’s of Winnipeg Concert (2020), Gretel in Humperdinck’s, Hansel and Gretel with Edmonton Opera (2019) and the title role in Estacio’s Filumena with Calgary Opera (2017). Other past performances include Micaëla (Carmen) Edmonton Opera, Erste Dame (Die Zauberflöte) Calgary Opera, Pamina (Die Zauberflöte) Saskatoon Opera and Donna Anna (Don Giovanni) The Banff Centre. Ms. Szkwarek has also performed with several of Canada’s finest symphonies including Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Guelph Symphony Orchestra and Niagara Symphony Orchestra. A graduate of the Calgary Emerging Artist Program, Ms. Szkwarek had the opportunity to sing on the Met stage as a semi-finalist in the Metropolitan Opera’s National Council Auditions.

In addition to performing, Ms. Szkwarek is currently a voice instructor at the Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts since 2019. She has taught voice with several schools across Canada since 2011 while also maintaining a private voice studio out of her home.

2024 Sponsors

Patricia Kmet, Bohdan & Marko Roslycky

Dr. Jerry Baluta and Ms.Olga Kandia and Family

Dr. Vladimir and Natalka Hutsulak

Dr. Aleksander and Luba Demko

Dr. Adrian Hawaleshka and Joleen Bell

Laurie Howden & Vera Chaykovska

St. Boniface Ukrainian Foundation Inc.

Mykola Dmytryshyn Family and Friends

Martha I. Chuchman Law Office

Hurtok Arfa

Zorianna and Eugene Hyworon

Maria and Bohdan Halkewycz

Darya Pfund

Sponsor a Youth Leader

Sofia and Evan Thullner

Hrytsko and Zenko Macmillan

Dr. Martha Shepertycky

Mike and Monica Sim

Orest and Iryna Deneka

M. Shawarsky

Luka Howden Chaykovsky

St. Boniface Ukrainian Foundation Inc.

Chrystyna Kalicinsky, Yevhen Zaporozhets and Nadia

Zorianna and Eugene Hyworon

Dessert Sponsor

Dr. Martha Shepertycky

Supporting Presentation Sponsor

Norbert Ivan